Python Code NemesisDP-12-Partition DPWhenever you have multiple ways to solve and you need to solve a problem in a particular way, you use partition dp. A1.(A2.A3) !=…Dec 18, 2022Dec 18, 2022
Python Code NemesisDp-11-Longest Increasing SubsequenceLIS Pattern! YAYY! Mostly adding up subproblems at each index.Dec 17, 2022Dec 17, 2022
Python Code NemesisDP-8-DP on SubsequencesNow we get started with subsequences, which are contiguous, thats what the difference is with subsets.Dec 13, 2022Dec 13, 2022
Python Code NemesisDP-7-DP on GridsOne of my literal favorites in the dp world, grids have the main difference with dp on subsequences being we used to have a index…Dec 13, 2022Dec 13, 2022
Python Code NemesisDP-6-Ninja’s Training-2D DPProblem : On a certain day you can perform a set of tasks given that you haven’t performed the same task the previous day. Get the max…Dec 10, 202211Dec 10, 202211
Python Code NemesisDP-5-Max Sum of non adjacent elementsProblem — Max sum of non adjacent elementsDec 5, 2022Dec 5, 2022
Python Code NemesisDP-2-Climbing stairsVery similar to Fibonacci number. Need to count total ways to reach the end of staircase given that you can take either 1 step or two steps…Dec 2, 2022Dec 2, 2022
Python Code NemesisDP-1-Fibonacci (DP)Very simple Fibonacci problem, where each number is sum of previous 2 elements.Dec 2, 2022Dec 2, 2022